Trouble in launching of firefox browser using selenium for MAC OS


New Member
I am using Selenium to test a website in Java and trying to run it in Firefox on a MAC. But when I am trying to execute the code below \[code\]Selenium selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox", "");\[/code\]I am getting the following runtime exception\[code\]java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not start Selenium session: Failed to start new browser session: Browser not supported: /Users/sumitghosh/Desktop/*firefox3(Did you forget to add a *?)Supported browsers include: *firefox *mock *firefoxproxy *pifirefox *chrome *iexploreproxy *iexplore *firefox3 *safariproxy *googlechrome *konqueror *firefox2 *safari *piiexplore *firefoxchrome *opera *iehta *custom\[/code\]I have also tried changing the browser to \[code\]*googlechrome\[/code\], but the same error was firing!But when \[code\]*safari\[/code\] was used it ran successfully.Since I want the application to run on Windows and MAC also, I was trying for \[code\]*firefox\[/code\] or \[code\]*googlechrome\[/code\] to run, but both browsers are giving exceptions both on Windows and MAC!