TouchSupport Question


Staff member
Hello all,

We hired TouchSupport based on good opinions we saw here. Signed up for their Dedicated Admin plan. But later are being told that they do not support servers that do not have a hosting control panel.

I'd like to know if any of you have them supporting a machine without a control panel.

I mean since when did a qualified server admin have to have training wheels.

Thanks in advance,That does sound a bit iffy, but if you feel uncomfortable there are other fish in the sea.Most companies do face the same problem. They may have 2-3 guys who have working experience on control panel less servers but the requirement is so rare, those people get allocated to teams where there are control panels and when a client or two comes requiring these specialized services, its difficult to provide unless say the client is looking for a something that is viable for them.Stay away from them....I have used them to just monitor my servers and they would hard reboot running raid arrays because ftp showed down in their software. They are poor quality admin's and will make rookie mistakes. They will not call you if there is a downtime issue they can not fix they will just leave it down, they did that to me on a # of occasions even though my instructions clear said if you can not get it backup CALL. My suggestion to you is use someone else. On another note though I can see why they may not want to handle accounts with out control panels, it is not a matter of needing one it is the matter of it can take up a lot of time depending on the customer. I myself do server administration and somethings turn away uncontrol paneled accounts not due to the fact I can not do them but due to the fact I can see the client using all my time for not enough money just to add domains and email accounts etc...the control panel relieves the admin of having to do the day to day stuff like that.Hehe, thats funny. They dont even seem to be mentioning it explicitly anywhere. Fine print?Seems most of companies taking freshers for monitoring jobs who are making rookie mistakes.....I dont think its because of the employees being Rookies. Every company will have its share of seniors and freshers.

The policy normally followed is, if its worth the effort to have someone work on control panel less servers specially if there is not enough revenue being generated from it.

Companies follow a policy of scalability. Unless you plan to be a niche company or you become stagnant, people dont remain in the same old technology.

I am sure today very few hosting companies will be using old Redhat 7.2 versions and for that matter in control panels, I am not sure if there is any demand for the Ensim Control Panels. So unless there is a substantial revenue from a client who wants such technologies supported, only people who have yet to upgrade to the newer technologies will still be highlighting that as something they provide service for...Well when I publish the captured support ticket on our site, you will see how the entire story played out. What amazes me is:1. The tech states that he is the "Head Sys Admin" and was there when they started the company.2. And how quickly he pulls away from doing any further work when he fails at installing the CP and I advise him to move forward with Word Press install and doing the security work.3. How many GOOD reports I got on these guys when compared to our first and LAST experience with TouchSupport.Simply amazing. Since when did a REAL sys admin need training wheels.hmm guess you then had some tough luck.. hope they will explain what happened..I don't understand how all these companies do not support non-control panel servers. In my opinion they are easier to work on.Well when I publish the captured support ticket on our site, you will see how the entire story played out.

When would you do it? Is TouchSupport really "bad"?I don't understand how all these companies do not support non-control panel servers. In my opinion they are easier to work on.

Its a choice people take. Easier to work on if you know the entire system inside out.

But its like the elevator, its so much of a convenience today that people rarely take the staircase.