Torrentflux Management/Bugs


New Member
Hello! Good day!

I am having a problem with my Torrentflux. Torrents would just freeze upon downloading and sometimes cannot be stop ( I have to run the superadmin panel ). May I ask others who are using Torrentflux on how to deal with this?

My current version is 1.0 alpha-7, shall I upgrade to 2.4? Does 2.4 have unrar feature?

I do have a theory that it is depending on my VPS provide. I have 2 VPS, the other VPS rarely doesn't have the downloading error while the other is persistent.

I am looking for solutions and recommendations

Thank You
Torrent Flux Sucks

Use rTorrents or Transmission

TorrentFlux stopped Developing long back

$Id: CHANGES 3366 2008-03-22 16:26:45Z b4rt $

3 Years to be Exact Torrentflux is so 2006, use rTorrent. It's lightweight and very quick.