Text field driving me insane


I created a field called ntext, and set it's type to TEXT, but when I call it in PHP, it won't display! What special things should I do to make sure that the TEXT field is set up correctly? I just used this command:

headline VARCHAR(100),
ntext TEXT,
ndate DATE

No errors show up when I call it...but none of the text inside that field is being displayed.Not too overally well versed in the "TEXT" fields of mySQL, but if you use any of the PHP based mySQL Administrations GUIS (phpmyadmin, myphpadmin, etc.) can you see the data or not?

It seems odd that you wouldn't have to declare what size you want the field when you create the table, tho.Have you tried selecting the data from the command line?

SELECT ntext FROM news

What does that display?
Is it failing when you are trying to call it from within PHP? If so, have you remembered to add the or die(mysql_error()) statement to the end of your mysql functions?

Post the code.Hmm...great. I always figure out the wrong things when I post...turns out I was calling the field wrong, I had the name of it wrong altogether. Thanks for the help.you show us create table code but nothing about selecting the data. you will not see anything from a create table. then you say you were using the wrong name to select them.

next time be more descriptive in the details on what you are doing so we can anwer them more productively.Woah Scoutt.

Feeling bitter today or what?!?

That sounded like a Kevin "the Super Sexy Guru" kinda response.

Count to ten, take a deep breah and then respond.

Oh, and we dont anwer questions here anyway.:p watch it or you might be next :D*spit* on your threats.
