SiteWide Text Links for Sale on Directory


Staff member
I'm currently selling the text links on my (newly purchased) website directory (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->).

It currently has PR2 (but this should go up at the next update) it has over 4000 active links, over 1000 pending links (i'm working through them) and recieves, on average, at least 50 submissions per day which means traffic rates are at least 50 visitors per day (or 1500 per month)

As I only recently purchased the site I am currently waiting for exact traffic stats to develop through Google Analytics, but I will update the thread when I get hold of some.

It is a directory with a lot of potential, all human edited (hence the backlog of pending links), we also regularly validate links (remove broken urls etc.) so all active links are high quality.

The location of the text links is on the left side bar under the "SPONSOR" heading. I am limiting the number of sponsor links available to 10.

The links will be sold as auction, you are bidding on a price per month. You may continue to renew the link at the end of the term or can withdraw your link. The advertiser (myself) may, at the end of term, put the links up for auction again.

Bidding is per link and links are ordered 1-10 from top to bottom.

I believe these minimum bids are reasonable for exposure of your link to AT LEAST 1500 people.

Any questions, please ask.