Should I render this template using JavaScript or the server?


New Member
I'm rendering a news feed. I'm planning to use Backbone.js for my javascript stuff because I'm sick of doing manual DOM binds with JQuery.So right now I'm looking at 2 options.[*]When the user loads the page, the "news feed" container is blank. But the page triggers a javascript which renders the items of the news feed onto the screen. This would tie into Backbone's models and collections, etc.[*]When the user loads the page, the "news feed" is rendered by the server. Even if javascript was turned off, the items would still show because the server rendered it via a templating engine.I want to use Backbone.js to keep my javascript clean. So, I should pick #1, right?? But #1 is much more complicated than #2. By the way, the reason I'm asking this question is because I don't want to use the routing feature of Backbone.js. I would load each page individually, and use Backbone for the individual items of the page. In other words, I'm using Backbone.js halfway.If I were to use the routing feature of Backbone.js, then the obvious answer would be #1, right? But I'm afraid it would take too much time to build the route system, and time should be balanced into my equation as well. I'm sorry if this question is confusing: I just want to know the best practice of using Backbone.js and saving time as well.