Scrolling content right to left Javascript


New Member
I have a page with a horizontal width of 4000pxHow would i go about creating an event that starts as soon as the page loads and cycles from the far right to left of the page? I want to show all the content and get the user back to the start if you get meIdeally coded in javascript but will accept CSS3 (if it can be done)Thanks Guys,DIM3NSIONBased on your responses i have tried to get this working, but with no avail.Help much appreciated\[code\] <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function(){ function start(){ document.body.scrollTo(4000, 0); var x=4000; var t= setInterval(function(){ x-=50 if (x<=0){ clearInterval(t); document.body.scrollTo(0,0); return; } document.body.scrollTo(x, 0); }, 20) } }); </script>\[/code\]