[S] TS2Live - TeamSpeak 2.x Online Status


New Member
First Off,
You've posted in the wrong section....

but the one you are asking for is for 3.5 and it may work(the first download)....

the second download is the new gTeamSpeak User Management...
What is it?

gTeamSpeak* is a addon for vBulletin which allows your choice of usergroups to register for a TeamSpeak server. It creates a system in which you can link TeamSpeak users to a forum user accounts.

If you use this mod, please Mark as Installed, and if you really enjoy this mod, please Nominate for MOTM, and if you really really enjoy this mod, feel free to Support Developer! Thank you!

You can find more information about TeamSpeak at TeamSpeak - Welcome to TeamSpeak. You should have good knowledge about running your own TeamSpeak server prior to using the mod.

* gTeamSpeak was previously known as vBTeamSpeak.

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I use my released mods daily, if I find an issue with them or add features for myself I will release updates. If there are significant bugs or simple feature requests I will do my best to release fixes. Some of my mods rely on fetching data from 3rd party websites, due to the unreliable results, my mods will require users to troubleshoot for themselves if they find the addon is not working for them specifically. I am offering my personal mods that work ok for me for you to use, I am sorry I do not have time to troubleshoot many user specific issues. Thank you for your understanding.



•Optionally connect to a remote TeamSpeak database you have administrative control over if TeamSpeak is not hosted on the same db as your vBulletin.
•Optionally automatically add links to navbar and quick launch menu.
•Choose what usergroups get SA by default.
•Choose what usergroups can access the sign up form.
•Limit access by days registered.
•Limit access by user post count.
•Promote/Demote SA.
•Delete user accounts.
•Ban users from creating accounts.
•Send broadcast message to server.
•Send text message to a user.
•Prune inactive users.
•Display who is online on forum home.
•Cron checks vBulletin ban list every 10 minutes and bans users from TeamSpeak accordingly.
•Plugins: People can write their own feature plugins for doing things like banning, kicking, messaging users etc...



I will offer limited setup/installation support this script. While I do use the Remote Server option personally, I will not support this feature, you should have advanced knowledge of your server setup and troubleshoot this yourself. If you have purchased TeamSpeak hosting from a voice comm service provider, it is highly unlikely they will grant you database access. For best results and performance, have your TeamSpeak server use your vBulletin database as it's database.

1. Setup TeamSpeak to use mySQL

By default TeamSpeak uses a file system called SQLite. To make it use a mySQL database edit the server.ini and add:

When you start the server it will create all the necessary tables:
Make sure these tables exist and that your TeamSpeak server is actively using your mySQL database properly before even downloading the gTeamSpeak modification.

For more information about setting TeamSpeak up to use a mySQL database visit TeamSpeak - Welcome to TeamSpeak.

2. gTeamSpeak Installation


1.Make sure that your TeamSpeak server is setup to use a mySQL database prior to installing this product. For best results prevent users and admins ability to register with the server via client. Also password the server to something gibberish as you will not be supplying the password to anyone. Also disable the ability for SA to grant SA for security.
2.Upload all files prior to installing product.
3.Install the product.
4.Create a Single-Selection Menu User Profile Field.
◦Single-Selection Menu
◦Title: TeamSpeak Access
◦Description: Can register self with TeamSpeak server.
◦Set Default: Yes, but No First Blank Option
◦Field Required: No
◦Field Editable by User: No
◦Private Field: Yes
◦Field Searchable on Members List: No
◦Show on Members List: No
◦Look and see what the field name is for TeamSpeak Access, example field25.
5.Fill in the gTeamSpeak configuration options.
6.Install any plugins you wish to use from the /admincp/gtsplugin directory.
7.That is all, send people to the form to sign up.
Note: You need to add your user id to the config.php under superadministrators. I will attempt to remove the need to require this in a future version.

TeamSpeak Access Profile Field Usage


This is used if you want to ban a user from TeamSpeak and do not want to ban them entirely from the forums or change their usergroup.
•Set this profile option to No to prevent a user from creating a TeamSpeak account.
•When a user is banned from the gTeamSpeak user management, this option is automatically set to No. If you wish to unban them, set this option to Yes and they will be able to create a TeamSpeak account again.