Ripple Effects of Afghanistan's Situation on Pakistan!!!


Afghanistan Being a neighboring country to Pakistan, I don’t hesitate to say that the poor plight of Economic and political instability in Afghanistan directly causes havoc effects on Pakistan too.<br />
Afghanistan is one of the most important defining issues for Pakistan in terms of security, domestic politics, ideology, and political identity. In fact, engagement in Afghanistan has been problematic for Pakistan for more than twenty years.<br />
In security terms, Pakistan has always seen Afghanistan as an element of its India policy. It has sought to protect its western border in response to insecurity on its eastern border with India. To this end, Pakistan's long-standing objective in Afghanistan has been to have a Pashtun-dominated government in Kabul. The reasoning was that such a government would be friendly to Pakistan, which also has a significant Pashtun population.<br />
If we see History of Kaarzai’s Govt. we just face similar style of Blames as we are bearing from India by name of Cross Border terrorism. It clearly uncovers the truth that our western border is not as safe as it was before Coalition with United States. The cultivation of Opium is again on rise which dramatically decline in Taliban’s Era. Our boundary belts with Afghanistan also help to promote the smuggling of Opium products to local Pakistani market. Whenever some terrible thing happens in Afghan territory due to their weak military and political structure, world put all pressure over Pakistan to take corrective measures. I agree with Musharraf’s Point of view that Taliban is not our concern, its issue of Afghanistan they have to solve it. In short all instability in Afghanistan Regime is directly proportional to social trauma in Pakistan. World should planned Democratic way to solve issues not just military solutions. Since no one of the military invasion of United States prove a solution to bring peace in the region, but just agony and disorder.<br />
Dear Forum members I need your valuable concerns and views on current Afghanistan’s instability and its influence on Pakistan. Queries for Discussion are:<br />
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<b>1)Does Afghanistan's Geo-Political instability Problem is to be solved on priority basis by world?<br />
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2)Does military invasion is the only solution to bring peace and harmony in the region?<br />
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3)Do you think instability in Afghanistan is directly affecting Geo-Economical and Political structure of Pakistan?<br />
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4)What measures Pakistan/Pakistani Govt. can take to promote peace in the region?</b>