Registration Integration problem


New Member
I am in the register.php code in vbulletin 3.8x on line 388.

I put in my code to register the user:

	$isbfguser = mysql_query("SELECT userid FROM bgallz_bfgamerz.users
	WHERE user_email = '".$vbulletin->GPC['email']."' LIMIT 1");

	if(mysql_num_rows($isbfguser) == 0){

	$activatecode = rand(1000000000,9999999999);
	$bfg_query = "INSERT INTO bgallz_bfgamerz.users
	'".sha1($vbulletin->GPC['username'] . $vbulletin->GPC['password_md5'])."',

	mysql_query($bfg_query) or die('Registration query error!');

For some reason the password field is sometimes empty. I have ran the registration on my own and tested it and it works. However I check the table in phpmyadmin and the password field for some people is blank and doesn't even exist (row) in the vbulletin sql table.

I assume it is a spambot or something but I wasn't sure if the variable:


Was or could be empty sometimes...



New Member
This seems to be happening when it is a spambot of some sort - going by the username's that they seem to be using.

I added:


// Reg code.


to make it better. Hopefully this will stop the mysql insert when it fails on vb's end. :p