Rackspace Contract - hot or not?


New Member
Ill let you guys decide:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://uk.geocities.com/[email protected]/Proposal___Ryan_McMaster.pdf17">http://uk.geocities.com/ryan.mcmaster@b ... ster.pdf17</a><!-- m --> pages of information that includes an offer from one of the leaders of the hosting industry as well as self-promotional information. Excellent homework, isn't it? :)Care to elaborate jadexter?well, surely Rackspace earned a name. They are pricy in my opinion, but they do work well worth the money they ask. Getting them for hosting is like buying a Mercedes. Do you want a Mercedes for a Hosting?Am i reading it right, you are only allowed 150gb of b/w a month?Yes you are reading it right. The document has not been edited in any way. Bearing in mind we don't want to be tied down to a long contract the monthly charge could certainly buy and insure me a nice merc!Is this some kind of a joke?!? 360 pounds is around 720 us dollars
For that price I would take the offer as a insult.

I just saw that price of 360 pounds is on 12 month contract.520 pounds (1000$) is month to month. That is just...Yes you are reading it right. The document has not been edited in any way. Bearing in mind we don't want to be tied down to a long contract the monthly charge could certainly buy and insure me a nice merc!

Thats insane. And a rip off. I have read that they give prices to diff people. So get a friend to ask for one, an watch how diff the price is.Why would prices differ?I used them for a year and found that while their service was excellent, my money was better spent with a cheaper host. I know how to manage my server anyway so it seemed I was paying a lot extra for Rackspaces managed staff when really I didn't need it.If you want a managed solution, I highly recommend Rackspace. I never had any problems with them. :)I dont understand why there prices are so high they might be known but from what i know there is alot of companies out there with 0 downtime and great supportI dont understand why there prices are so high they might be known but from what i know there is alot of companies out there with 0 downtime and great supportPlease name a few...Why would prices differ?

Have a look on there website for prices . . . this should tell you all you need to know.Am I the only one here that doesn't see anything wrong with those prices?Am I the only one here that doesn't see anything wrong with those prices?

I hope your just being sarcastic. You think ?00 odd per month for what they are offering is reasonable?Whilst I dispute that they've had 5 years 100% uptime on their network, and I really doubt they look after 1% of the world's Internet traffic, I see nothing wrong with their 12 month pricing.It's more than we'd charge, but everyone knows Rackspace is expensive. If you're a big enterprise wanting to host a mission critical server, that is a rounding error in the project budget for the snacks supplied at the meetings to *discuss* the server.I hope your just being sarcastic. You think ?00 odd per month for what they are offering is reasonable?

Like Robin, I can't say I agree with all their claims, but that's another story. If it is properly pro-actively managed and the support is as good as they claim, then I see nothing wrong with their pricing at all.

Month to month pricing is always going to cost more than a longer term contract - Unless you're dealing with a box shifter (When a customer moves on, the server has to be decomissioned, drives replaced, reinstalled for the next customer etc.).