Questions for the Pros!


Hey guys, i have a problem and of course im coming to you guys for help.. Ok, for work, we need something like this.

We have a form. and we want the users to click on the form link , fill out the form and have it then transported to a database and also then forwarded to a described email. ANyone know what im talking about and can help. Paste some code of somthing. I have the access database ready for all the fields set. It would be greatly appreciated. Im a new intern here and since the main programmer is away i have to work on this crap alone with no help.. Thanks in advance guys.First thing: are we dealing with ASP,PHP,Access or what?

What you're talking about can be definitely done through ASP and I'm pretty sure the same in PHP. Access would be a lil iffy on the email part.

Let us know.Yes, im using access. The email thing wouldnt work?Well, I haven't used Access since Office 97, so I'm not sure of any changes they've made in that application.

You could try <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->, as this is more of a VB problem than it is a Web problem.

Most of us out here are mainly web developers with occassionaly some experience in those type of offline applications whereas there's people at who are sheerly devoted to Access and those types of apps.