Query for mapping configuration from two tables


New Member
My scenario is this:
Table A is the keys (map) of configuration values for different systems. I am creating a config panel, and in the query for TableA, the results will be filtered by SystemName.My problem is that I am unable to get the result with empty/null/values as shown in result. This is required because UI is rendering the labels and text boxes based on this result.TableB may or may not have values for all the keys in config map.I want the values in this format (that is first get all the values from TableA and then fill the values from TableB and return the result):\[code\]TableAID Name SystemName1 Path1 SystemA2 Path2 SystemA3 Path3 SystemA4 Path1 SystemB5 Path2 SystemB6 Path3 SystemBTableBID TableAID Value1 2 //Volumes/SomeDrive/SomeFolderResultID Name TableAID SystemName Value1 Path1 1 SystemA ''2 Path2 2 SystemA //Volumes/SomeDrive/SomeFolder3 Path3 3 SystemA ''\[/code\]Is there an easy solution for this.Thanks in advance