Printing Tables with a dark background

Why is it, when you have a table with a dark background, and go to print preview, the dark background in the table doesn't show up?If you WANT to print the background then in internet explorer, (i'm not sure about netscape but it should be somewhat simular), go to Tools > Internet Options then click on the Advanced Tab at the top right. Scroll down to the Printing section and check the box next to "Print background colors and images"
The background will now be printed, and probably "produce a printout that is unreadable and wastes ink/toner"If you want to Print everything on the page you can turn it on.
In IE, use Tools/Internet Options/Advanced, then scroll to Print. Check print backgrounds and images. Don't forget to turn it off afterwards, for the reasons mentioned by Dave Clark.Is there any way I can force it to print when people are using my site? It is a table that is one row long, so ink usage shouldn't be a problem, since it is such a small amount.

ThanksIs there any way I can force it to print when people are using my site?

Why in the world would you want to do that! You should make our pages "User Friendly".
Think about the many times you loaded a page and in poped two or more pages that were launched from it.
Think about when you wanted to use the back button when someone disabled it for another reason.
Think about what you are trying to do in forcing print on someone. Will forcing this actually help you in some way, or will it more likely steer them away from your site in the future.
It is a good thing that Browsers are limited to certain operations. All of us will be very unhappy.Perhaps if we knew exactly WHY you wanted to print the background in this particular cell we could offer a work-around that would please both you and your users.Is there any way I can force it to print when people are using my site? It is a table that is one row long, so ink usage shouldn't be a problem, since it is such a small amount.


You can use "window.print();" as a java script on body tags onLoad event. it will be like
<Body onLoad = "window.print();">

But I think it will be better to put this on clicking a button like

<Input type = Button value = "Print this page" onClick = "window.print();">