PHP/passthru/mysqldump seems to timeout


New Member
I've got a PHP script that I call to run MySQL database backups to .sql files, TAR/GZip them and e-mail them to me. One of the database is hosted by a different provider than the one providing the web server. Everything is hosted on Linux/Unix. When I run this command:\[code\]$results = exec("mysqldump -h $dbhost -u $dbuser -p$dbpass $dbname > $backupfile", $output, $retval);\[/code\](FYI, I've also tried this with system(), passthru() and shell_exec().)My browser loads the page for 15-20 seconds and then stops without processing. When I look at the server with an FTP client, I can see the resulting file show up a few seconds later and then the file size builds until the database is backed up. So, the backup file is created but the script stops working before the file can be compressed and sent to me.I've checked the the \[code\]max_execution_time\[/code\] variable in PHP and it's set to 30 seconds (longer than it takes for the page to stop working) and have set the \[code\]set_time_limit\[/code\] value to as much as 200 seconds. Anyone have any idea what's going on here?