php conversions filter issue. mcrypt is installed, but not on the list of filters


New Member
I'm trying to implement the "Encryption Filters" from example from\[code\]$iv = substr(md5('iv'.$passphrase, true), 0, 8);$key = substr(md5('pass1'.$passphrase, true) . md5('pass2'.$passphrase, true), 0, 24); $opts = array('iv'=>$iv, 'key'=>$key);$fp = fopen('secret-file.enc', 'wb');stream_filter_append($fp, 'mcrypt.tripledes', STREAM_FILTER_WRITE, $opts);fwrite($fp, 'Secret secret secret data');fclose($fp);\[/code\]It gives me following warning:\[quote\] Warning: stream_filter_prepend() []: unable to locate filter "mcrypt.tripledes"\[/quote\]I have mcrypt installed and functioning. Here is the print of mcrypt_list_algorithms():\[code\]Array ( [0] => cast-128 [1] => gost [2] => rijndael-128 [3] => twofish [4] => arcfour [5] => cast-256 [6] => loki97 [7] => rijndael-192 [8] => saferplus [9] => wake [10] => blowfish-compat [11] => des [12] => rijndael-256 [13] => serpent [14] => xtea [15] => blowfish [16] => enigma [17] => rc2 [18] => tripledes ) \[/code\]Here is the print of stream_get_filters():\[code\]Array ( [0] => string.rot13 [1] => string.toupper [2] => string.tolower [3] => string.strip_tags [4] => convert.* [5] => consumed [6] => convert.iconv.* [7] => bzip2.* [8] => zlib.* )\[/code\]Does anyone know what could be the issue here?