Php Cent OS upgrade


New Member
Hello. I am running vBulletin 4.1.8. I tried to upgrade to vBulletin 4.1.9 today, my PHP version was too low. My php version is 5.1.6. In the vBulletin upgrade it said I needed at-least PHP version 5.2 or greater.
I asked vBulletin support what the greatest vBulletin version for php I could use is, they replied saying

"PHP 5.3.x"

Basically I need the easiest tutorial on how to upgrade from PHP 5.1.6 to 5.3.x

Also what is the greatest PHP version out?


Also I used Google to find a tutorial, but none of them worked correctly, I need the easiest tutorial possible. Are you using any control panel on your VPS/Server? Plesk. php5.2 php 5.3 is bugged I think that the CentOS repos have PHP 5.2 or 5.3 now.

Try running "yum upgrade php" from SSH. I usually added epel repo then install php 5.3 like this

Code: rpm -Uvh *epel repo distribution*yum -y install php53 php53-cli php53-etcdone

epel repo can be picked up from this page

check ur centos version.

good luck
warrock said php 5.3 is bugged, is this true? I ran the command # cat /etc/*release*
It came out CentOS release 5.7 (Final)

What are the exact commands I need to use to upgrade my php. Can you also please answer my question on weather or not php 5.3 is bugged or not?

Thanks Hi,

There is no bug in 5.3 that stop your applications to be work in orders, so ignore the person post.

If you want to upgrade your PHP from 5.1 to 5.3. its simply advise that you first uninstall 5.1, and its all modules.

Follow this POST and replace 2 with 3.