percentual width, different interpretation of browsers

If we have a DIV inside another DIV.
<DIV id = "containerDiv">
<div id = "insideDiv">

and the CSS Style is:

#containerDiv{ width : 300px }
#insideDiv{ width : 100% }

with Explorer, it interpretes:
the 100% width of the insider div is related to the container; that is, it has the same absolute width than the containterDiv (300px)

with Opera, it interpretes:
the 100% width of the insider div is related to the screen, and it is as wide as the hole screen, bigger than its parents.

How can I solve this, in order to get an equal interpretation in both browsers???These two divs render consistently in all modern browsers.
Are there other elements or styles involved?Hi;

well, the Divs are them both contained in a parent DIV (which is w:100% h:80%), and the styles are more complex (they have padding, margin...)...
need more information?A link to the page would be useful.ok, I did it

<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->

The DIV with the text "Este es mi texto" has a width of 100%, but it's contained in another one.
So with Explorer this DIV is as wide as its parent.
With Opera this div is as wide as the screen

(see it in 800x600)