Penalized from Google (Funny Reason)


New Member
Ahem Ahem!

Once upon a time I had a domain which was not being used and was something like bread with fungus. I tried to do something BIG. I started a search engine on that and luckily had PR1 for doing nothing.

i made something like

I made it something similar like Google footer. I copied there Google About page and changed links with mine. Being lazy didn't downloaded any images or css to my computer just linked to google.

Google About Page

And what I copied and edited

After 2 days. I had no page rank no nothing listed into google. Mean's banned et all. And serious this site was ranked 4/6 on searcnetworkhq and was on page 3 on its 2nd day.

Bad things happens, trying to get in again. But being webmaster from quite time its the funkiest thang ever happened with me =).