Obtaining and displaying info on main site page.<


I have some PHP programs that use MYSQL Databases.

I would like to display a number of information from my phpbb message board and other PHP programs on my main website page.

How would I go about doing this? Any example script would be MUCH appreciated. Anything you can help with with be great. Thanksthere is no example script. you can either use phpnuke, which is a troublesome script in itself, or make you own. you need to query the database for recent threads and then dispaly it on your site. you will need php experience to do so and if you do not have any then I suggest you learn by reading the manual (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.php.net/manual">http://www.php.net/manual</a><!-- m -->) or tutorials on the net.I have seen a script for that.

Have you used Google to search for this?

Sometimes it could be called a "latest news" or "hot topics" script.