Notify clients of table records change

Street King

New Member
I have a project that doesn't utilize any \[code\]ORM\[/code\]. It's a \[code\]Webforms\[/code\] project, and most of the business logic resides in \[code\]stored procedures\[/code\] on a database side. Here's how workflow works:
User goes to a page ->
selects necessary parameters ->
retrieves dataset from stored procedure. ->
Then we store that dataset in ViewState for faster access, meaning that records can become stale after another user edits them. If we do not store those records in a Viewstate, then application becomes really slow to use. Question:What is the best way to update state of records automatically, and what is the correct caching approach? How to see if record is current? Do you think that \[code\]SignalR\[/code\] can help with that?