Need Some Support


New Member
ok, here my situation
i just moved to a new VPS from my shitty shared hosting.
now all my DNS running smoothly to the new location.
just 1 huge thing.
all my products dont work anymore. like shoutbox, vbSEO and everything.
nothing. only threads. and then old threads thats submitted to katz and stuff give a invalid thread specified....
when i go to import the product again,
i get a message saying Invalid File specified.
so whats wrong?
can i please have some help.
btw ive done database backups, and all the files like infernoshout.php vbseo_sitemap.php etc.. are all there.

so yeh would love some assistance please.
even like the cyp paypal donate, uninstall then re-install dont work.
and also like post thank you hack etc...
why doesnt anything work?
Make sure all your paths are correct in vboptions and config.php. Try to run the update counters and rebuilds to try to get synched with the new system.
all paths are exactly the same as previous server. and config. no database problems. just something making up with products.
nope, i do everything as it would be normally.
like uninstall the prduct cuz its not working. then re-install it. and nothing shows up at all on the forum.
all myprevious products are all in the admin cp and have working options in the vbulletin options menu.
just nothing works on the actual forum itself... i dont have any clue whats wrong here.
that error message is for the read user PM's and thats not even a product. sorry. i thought it was anw ent to reinstalled and said that error
oh yeh guys... thanks for all your help.
i just needed to do a complete new fresh acc on the VPS and re-make the DATABASES then inject them with the previous sql.
this now has all my products and functions working perfectly.
so yeh guys thanks for all your help......................................*cough*

but thank you bluescorpion for actually replying and trying to help :)