mysql running it


I go to test the server and I cant seem to get it working? Are ther some things I can do to get it working?

I am using PHPTriad. If anyone has heard of it.

I type in the commands they tell me to put in the the CMD prompt and it says "the system cannt find the batch file"You need to check the path of which the program you have activated since it's wrong.that is what you get for running the Triad. tha tprogram sucks. but what exactly doesn't run? the server? the php part? the database part?

need more info please.i jsut installed everything separate now. but i cant seem to get phpmyadmin working! i see only a list of files. and i thought i configed the file

need help...

THANKSagain more info. does php run? does mysqlk run? does the sever run?php runs, i think mysql runs (how can i test it), and yes m server is do you know php works? did you run the phpinfo() on it?

and how are you running phpmyadmin? you can't just click on the file and expect it to run.

open your browser and type in <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> folder

and tell us what you see. I am not sure where you install the server at so just maek teh changes you need for your folder to be the right one.i meant, mysql. not php. i got php to workwhat OS are you running it on?Windows XP Home Editionthen my gues is tha tmysql is already running. it is or should be installed as a service. look into the serveice in the administrator tools->services and see if it is in there.

if not then you don't have it installed correctly.Running Mysql on win2000 as a Service, should be very close to XP

1. Install Mysql to the default location.
2. run c:\mysql\bin\WinMysqlAdmin (c: is the drive letter you installed mysql to)
3. it should ask for a username and password, this is for root access.
4. looking at the ini tab make sure mysqld-nt is checked.
5. right click anywhere and click on "install as Service"
6. don't start the service just yet, you need to go into the services
panel, start->settings->control panel->Administative Tools->Services
find the mysql one and right click on it and goto properties.
7. On the second tab (log) make sure it is second radio button,
then click on browse to find the user that will run this servive
everytime the computer starts. enter there password and then click
on apply and then ok.
8. then back in WinMysqlAdmin right click anywhere and start the service.but then again there is an easier way if you are going to use mysql in conjunction with php. Download this...

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _setup.exe</a><!-- m -->

It will install mysql, php and apache for you, easiest thing i ever did.blind-angel, those things that come pre-configured are very limited. you can't do all the things php can do. also he has tried phpTriad and it failed.

in the end you learn more this way by seeing how it all works togehter by doing it yourself.