MySQL Database... running. but doesnt connect!


I followed the installation instructions, and when i was getting ready to input "mysqld --standalone" , i looked at processes and "mysqld-nt" was already running. when i put that in "mysql" started running, but my success messages didn't appear.
PHPBB won't set up. i get a critical error, cannot connect to Database. is my "my.ini" file correct? (p/w has been changed for security)

#This File was made using the WinMySQLAdmin 1.4 Tool
#5/26/2003 11:58:21 AM

#Uncomment or Add only the keys that you know how works.
#Read the MySQL Manual for instructions

#language=C:/mysql/share/your language directory
#slow query log#=

or is that incorrect. any help?Im having a similar problem,

On a windows 98 machine i have the newest stable releases of apache and php installed and also i have used the installer to install mysql. Ive used MySQL Control Center to set up a database but phpbb wont connect it just gives me error messages. sorry i cant post the exact messages right now cuz im at wrok but as soon as im home i'll make a new thread.With mysql started, change to the mysql/bin directory. Can you connect like this:

mysql -u<morrowasted> -p<password>

(no spaces between the options and the values)

(again, password changed for security)

i tried both of those, no luck, as you can see. am i doing it wrong?lol - yup. Drop the < > brackets. I put them in to show you where the username and password went. My fault because I actually spelled out your username instead of doing <username>.

mysql -umorrowasted -pwowERROR 1045:
Access Denied for user: [email protected] (USING PASSWORD: YES)The problem appears that you do not have an account. Try these commands
d:\mysql\bin> mysql -uroot
mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to morrowasted@localhost;
mysql> exit
d:\mysql\bin> mysql -umorrowasted
mysql> set password = password('yourpassword');
mysql> exit
d:\mysql\bin> mysql -umorrowasted -pyourpassword
This should log you in under your account. If you log in successfully then exit and try your phpBB installation again. I have never installed phpBB and so can't really offer more advice there.on "set password = password('yourpassword');"
i get :
ERROR 1133: Can't find any matching row in the user tableDid you get any errors when creating the morrowasted user?

Try this:d:\mysql\bin> mysql -uroot
mysql> show grants for morrowasted@localhost;You should now see a record with your user "morrowasted" and the corresponding privileges. Now execute the following:mysql> set password for morrowasted@localhost = password('yourpassword');
mysql> exitand then try and log in as morrowasted again:d:\mysql\bin> mysql -umorrowasted -pyourpasswordhttp://
i edited out the password there.

why does nothing ever work the first time for me :(DOH! Sorry, I missed a bit in my haste when replying. The command:grant all privileges on *.* to morrowasted@localhost;should have readgrant all privileges on *.* to morrowasted@localhost with grant option;Sorry mate. That was my mistake. Go back and run through those commands again. And don't use the < > brackets. It should be mysql -umorrowasted and NOT mysql -u<morrowasted>okay, Im logged in!
lemme see if this works now...

roar.. :(

phpBB : Critical Error

Could not connect to the database

is there something else im supposed to do?Okay, let's just recap.
You now have a mysql user called morrowasted and you can log into that account from the command line?

If that's the case then we need to look at the phpBB installation. When you install phpBB does it request you to enter your username, password, database and host? What are you entering as the database name? Have you set up a database yet?

Try this:

d:\mysql\bin> mysql -umorrowasted -ppassword
mysql> create database www;
mysql> exit

This will create a database called www (of course you can call it what you like). In the phpBB installation, it will invariably ask you for the database name. There you have to specify www (or whatever name you have chosen).<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

i get the same error. oh, and yeah, i made that database.Look at your database server hostname?
What on Earth is that? Are you installing this locally (I thought you were)? If you are then specify localhost in the hostname part.AHA! i was thrown off course because the MySQL admin program told me that that was my hostname.
well, everything seems to be in order.

thanks a million!:D

if i run into any more problems i'll post em hereYeah, can't wait. ;)yeah me either :p