Myspace banner above nav bar problem?


New Member
So I made a layout for my band's myspace, it took forever and i coded it myself.<br />
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I finally got it looking good but the banner above the nav bar only shows up on firefox, not internet explorer<br />
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did i do something wrong? or is this a problem with ie?<br />
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that's the website<br />
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here's the code i used<style type="text/css"><br />
.profile { height429px; vertical-alignbottom; }<br />
div table, table table { margin-top0; }<br />
.topbanner {<br />
backgroundurl(http// top left no-repeat;<br />
width800px; height400px;<br />
positionabsolute; top0; left55%;<br />
margin129px 0 0 -400px; }</style><div class="topbanner"></div><br />
All fixed!<br />
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thank you Kayla<br />