Member/User Generator Script for vbulletin


New Member
This script allows you to generate some members to your forum. This script is perfect for forums that need to 'boost' registration rates. I would rather register at a big forum over a smaller one!

Copyright 2008 iNRoC Productions -
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#### vBulletin Member Generator Rewrite by iNRoC/123456 ####
####     Compatible with 3.6.x, 3.7.x, and 3.8.x        ####
Upload files to forum directory
Import Product FakeLoggedInUsers by Atakon OTC

How to use:

Go to admincp and click on navigational link on left
Never generate over 100 users at a time

Added link to return to admincp after generation
Edited some phrases
Fixed minor bug causing E-mails to have different names
-Added No-Numbers in username generator
Has numbers in email addys
May cause usernames to repeat so make sure you add some of your own
names. Beta!

Added Link to Usergen from admincp navigational bar
Fixed spelling errors
Removed First post options till major statistic update bug is fixed
Removed extra options such as E-Mail and Password
Removed No - Numbers file
Added admincp compatibility
Removed OHW Logo (I am no longer apart of the OHW name)
Fixed some minor bugs

Whats in the next release:
Option to remove numbers from usernames
Online list of names (Over 250 of them!)
CSS Editing to match admincp
Bug Fixes


New Member
123456 and jet-hacker have a history and it is like this on as well appears it has carried over here as well.


New Member
Jet.HaCkR said:
Like we even care if your the creator?

You're such a fCKed up, inconsiderate little kid... y'know?
Without them coders, you would not have all of this shit to enjoy. So STFU and be thankful to them for spending hours upon hours coding stuff for you to use.