Looking for webmasters

Hi everyone!

My name is alex and I am working for webwhipper.com
We are currently looking for webmasters which are interested
in making some xtra money...

For more information go there:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.webwhipper.com/xmlfinal/default.asp?id=17&mnu=17">http://www.webwhipper.com/xmlfinal/defa ... =17&mnu=17</a><!-- m -->

We are very serious about this,
if you can bring us some extra clients we are going to pay you
and the great thing is that you will get a % every month or if
the client pays for one year in advance you will get a once off payment
covering the 12month.

This is not some other scam offer, we have been spending a
lot of time with banner ads and click programs ourselves and we
are sure that if you give it a try you will be suprised how easy it CAN be to make some extra bugs [we are not saying that you have to do nothing at all....]

Anyways I hope I am not offending anyone on this board
I did not try to spam or something like that!!!

Thanks and good luck.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.webwhipper.com/xmlfinal/default.asp?id=17&mnu=17">http://www.webwhipper.com/xmlfinal/defa ... =17&mnu=17</a><!-- m -->

or just go to

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.webwhipper.com">http://www.webwhipper.com</a><!-- m -->
