json_encode arrays with iso-8895 characters


New Member
I have a quite complex, even though not really big, array, with many levels of nesting.The array contains values that are encoded in ISO-8895, and also objects, with the same issue.If I just\[code\] json_encode($array)\[/code\]PHP wil silently encode all the values contining ISO-8895 characters as \[code\]null\[/code\].Looking at the PHP documentation, I managed to write a working solution:\[code\]function fixMultibyteSerializedObject($match){ return 's:' . mb_strlen($match[2]);}/** * Useful to json-encode arrays of objects with ISO-8895 encoded values. * Does not work with iso-encoded keys * @param var $object array or object to be encoded * @param int $options json_encode options */function isoJsonEncode($object, $options = null){ $str = serialize($object); $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'utf-8'); $str = preg_replace_callback( '!(?<=^|;)s:(\d+)(?=:"(.*?)";(?:}|a:|s:|b:|d:|i:|o:|N;))!s', 'fixMultibyteSerializedObject', $str); $object = unserialize($str); return json_encode($object, $options);}\[/code\]Apart from getting a better library, such as the Zend json encoding component, can you suggest a better solution?Thank you, Iacopo