Jquery Sticky Nav Issue


New Member
I'm been trying to get my head around issue and seem to cant find some help.http://fiddle.jshell.net/DQgkE/7/show/The experience is a bit jumpy and buggy now- but what i will like is1) When you scroll down the page. I want the Sticky Nav to be (disable,dropped off, stop) at a specific location(chapter-3) on the page and the user should have the ability to keep scrolling down.2) When the user is scrolling back up, the code will stick the nav back and carry it up until the nav reaches the original position at the top.Below is a starting point.3) Currently is kinda of doing that but there's some huge jump going on when scrolling back uphttp://imakewebthings.com/jquery-waypoints/#doc-disableusing disable, destroy, enable option will be nice.This is a original experience cleaned: http://fiddle.jshell.net/DQgkE/1/show/Thanks for the help in Advance.