Include File causing Error 500 in Classic ASP


New Member
Maybe this is a bonehead question, but I cannot figure out why this is happening.I have to make an update to an old, classic ASP web site. One of the requests was to modify the footer so that the comments and suggestions could have the emails associated with a link changed in the administration panel.That's not the problem, the original footer used on all pages was added as...\[code\]</div><!--#include file="../include/footer.htm"--></body>\[/code\]If I add enter code here\[code\]enter code here\[/code\]<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> to the top of the page and change the extension to either .inc or .asp, modify the original page to:\[code\]</div><!--#include file="../include/"--> (or .asp)</body>\[/code\]...I get an Error 500. I've tried using the web console in the browser, but no additional info there and there is no code on the page, only the declaration that VBScript will be used. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure this is something stupid that I knew 15 years ago, but just can't remember since I haven't touched ASP since 2002.