I need a company to watch and fix my server


Staff member

I have tried a few times now to sign up at Platinum Server Management but they keep decline my card, which never was declined anywhere in the world, but i must also say I have never seen such a payment system, dont look pro in anyway, also I dont like to wait a day for a reply.

So is there another company that deliver at that price and which I can quiet after a month if i want to, als they must be able to fix the server if its down, which my is sometimes. dedicated server at softlayer.Many outsourced companies available to do this for you

Touch Support

etc..ok i will check those, the problem is just I dont know anyCheck out the Systems Management Offers forum here for some companies & deals.do you have a link i can not find itdo you have a link i can not find it

Here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.webhostingtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=139">http://www.webhostingtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=139</a><!-- m -->) you go!Anyone know where I can find a host that offers advanced monitoring services like CPU/Disk/Memory utilization, content monitoring and synthetic transactions?