I am looking for a website hosting script


Hi guys I am not sure if this is the right area but I currently run a site that hosts multiple phpbb3 forums and would like to add websites to that.<br /><br />What I am looking for is a script that allows me to host multiple websites that maybe have ads and some templates built in for users, you know something like googlepages or similar.<br /><br />Anyone know of any? <br /><!--content-->
Something like these...?<br /><br />http://www.nakagava.com/content/view/17/26/<br />http://www.sebflipper.com/?page=scripts_mfp_phpbb<br />http://www.echophp.com/<br /><!--content-->
Well similar but for free website hosting i already have and am running a forum hosting script i am now after a website hosting script i have found a couple using google but not tested them yet<!--content-->