Hoxxy Needs Your Help!

NadeemJP said:
even though i submitted the description last time as well, i re-submitted the forum again and this time i was careful even more to fill in all the fields, if you do not find the relevant fields in spite of this, then there is a problem with the form itself.

Thank you NadeemJP your are right, I just did some testing and it seems the descriptions are no being submitted into the DB :( looks like I got some bug fixing to do..
Hoxxy said:
Hi everyone,
As you can see from the title of this post I need your help...
I have just started up a new web project:


ForumSearch is a new search engine just for forums! and I need you all to submit your forums so to help fill it up with good content, which will save me from having to manually search, find an submit forums myself, leaving me to get on with the development side of things.

I dont care if your forum is about Warez, Hacking, Porn or what ever all forums are welcome!
all I ask is you only submit your forum once.

What do you get out of it?
Link popularity is the main factor major search engines like Google MSN Yahoo use to rank web sites.
This makes link building an integral part of any effective search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy.

Link Popularity refers to the number of links pointing to your site, from other sites on the web. Search Engines consider your site to be more important and rank it higher if more sites link to your site.

Building Link Popularity is a critical aspect of any effective Search Engine Optimisation campaign. The ´off-page´ factors such as link popularity, PageRank and Anchor Text in incoming links play a major role in your site´s ranking in the search engine results pages.

Building link popularity improves the PageRank of your web pages.
In general terms, the higher the PageRank of your website, the higher its importance for search engines and higher it gets ranked in the search engine result pages. Search engines also take into account the PageRank of the pages that link to your site and its industry relevance to your own industry. Links from higher PageRank pages and relevant sites give your site a higher value.

If nothing else you will be doing me a big favour..:)


- Keywords are the key!
- Only keywords have affect on results so make them count!
- Do not use words like and, the, it, is etc in the keywords it only takes up precious DB space
- Seperate each keyword with a space not a , (comma)
- Do not add "forum" as a keyword (its a forum search engine)!

- Make the title simple but to the point
- Add a couple of keywords in your title, it will have no overall effect to the results but may get you noticed over the next forum

- Again make the description simple but to the point as it has no relevence to the overall search results
ie: keywords are not pulled from the description but from the keywords you provide.

This may sound stupid but dont forget to add your URL I did a database clean up today and found a few that had forgotten it and so their submisions were dropped

and last but not least:

Thank you in advance...

Forum Search - The Free Forum Search Engine

hi man , i've made a similar website and launched it just today , it is teamerz.net/words , it is fully SEOed and t was a difficult time programming the grabber , as it grabs "some" of the content in the submitted forums and there are a "read more" button that redirects the user to the real thread ... this means the words site will have more content and more links to a single forum ,with advanced search engine ... means more page rank and possibitily of having ur link listed before others in the search engines like google ... i hope i'll get some help also , all i need is te forum link submitted via the "contact us" in "words" website :-) .

i hope you don't mind adding vbteam to it ?