How To... Go Legit


New Member
So it's come time that our site went legit as we will soon be getting allot of publicity and we now finally have enough dontations to afford the insane $160 required.

But here's our problem, we are running a heavily HEAVILY modified 3.6.7 We don't even remember what file edits we have done at this point. So we will be purchasing a lic shortly and we are wondering some things.

1. When we buy the lic won't vB realize the site has been running for awhile and we are only buying the lic now? Will they care?
2. If we keep the GYSN keygen version we have installed instead of installing our legit lic version will vB care? (We plan on a fresh install when 3.7.0 goes gold).


New Member
befor you pay for you liscense i would move your current forums to another folder and do a fresh install and work back and oforth getting back up to par. you wont loose your users or database if you do this properly.


New Member
Let me share what I have learned over time from reading

Firstly, they wont really care that you ran( not run, big difference :D ) a nulled version, reason being if they find a nulled board, they demand you buy a licence... which you are going to do anyway.

Second thing is, they will most certainly demand you completely remove any pirated boards and re-install, this is their standard procedure when they find a nulled board. Its not going to change just because you have a licence, they do not want a nulled board to be online, and will make you take it down.


New Member
Ok then next question, how would vB go about finding out if it's a nulled version? I mean if we are buying a legit lic they would have the domain in their database. Do you guys really think they would go through the trouble of looking at the javascript files and matching the lic # to what our legit one would be?


New Member
do the full install of the forums with the legit forum, leave the database like it is and only do the tables: user, threads, forum, usergroups, posts (pm if you want) and leave the rest you don't need it... don't think they will look or can look into your database at all.


New Member
SpeedRazors said:
do the full install of the forums with the legit forum, leave the database like it is and only do the tables: user, threads, forum, usergroups, posts (pm if you want) and leave the rest you don't need it... don't think they will look or can look into your database at all.

But he said that files etc are eddited ;)


New Member
SpeedRazors said:
files are edited yeah.. therefor move the nulled one to another dir and do a full new installation

So it will work by using the same database but with 2 installs? Whats to stop vbulletin accessing his nulled forum? If users can, vbulletin can.... ?


New Member
if you have a paid vbulletin there is nothing nulled in the files... it only does the files not the database, normaly there is nothing in your database that has a key or something


New Member
Yea I understand what your say Speed I was just hoping I didn't have to do that and loose the file edits.

I suppose I have one final question, I've tried to move DB to a different install before and phpmyadmin only allows a certain file size to import. I don't have access to the sql server directly as it is shared hosting.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish the import? I've moved usergroups, pms and forums before but threads and posts always seem to create a file that is too large.


New Member
just open them and take the parts bit by bit... so the .sql will be done in more parts just copy/paste them into the phpmyadmin in the SQL part (not import) use the SQL and past the code there, now do this with the different parts in the sql file and you'll get a full table :)


New Member
as i said before move your current nulled site to another directory then do a fresh install. as the other user said manualy import tables to the new db users,posts,&etc then u can download your theme.xml and install it at new board and install what plug ins you had.

As for the import what mysql software you useing to do the import?

residual said:
Yea I understand what your say Speed I was just hoping I didn't have to do that and loose the file edits.

I suppose I have one final question, I've tried to move DB to a different install before and phpmyadmin only allows a certain file size to import. I don't have access to the sql server directly as it is shared hosting.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish the import? I've moved usergroups, pms and forums before but threads and posts always seem to create a file that is too large.


New Member
residual said:
Yea I understand what your say Speed I was just hoping I didn't have to do that and loose the file edits.

I suppose I have one final question, I've tried to move DB to a different install before and phpmyadmin only allows a certain file size to import. I don't have access to the sql server directly as it is shared hosting.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish the import? I've moved usergroups, pms and forums before but threads and posts always seem to create a file that is too large.

Use mysqldumper , it's a great program for moving and backing up databases and doesn't have any issues with large files... and it's free!


New Member
Thanks I'll give mysqldumper a try.

I decided I'm going to buy the lic and see if they contact me first, worst case I'll just have a late night of moving the database over. Regardless 3.7.0 Gold I will do the legit install.

I'll let you guys know what goes down.