How to give a normal user root permissions


New Member
I am running Cent OS 5.8 Linux. I need to give another user full root access for ssh and SFTP and ftp, how can I do this? Stop making a thread for every question you got man, use GOOGLE, it's all there. Sorry, it is just my site has been down for 24 hours+ and I have just been getting agitated today, I usually don't do this. Sorry, I just need help on a few things then once my site is up I will be fine
do search thread tittle on google I did and I could only find on how to give him SSH root, I want the normal user account to have root permissions for FTP (filezilla) Edit 5 seconds on google are you lazy or... ?

Code: why are you using an umnanaged server if you don't know how to manage it ? You can probably change the user's group and/or user ID to be 0 (root).

Other than that, yeah. Go googling.
this will help you .