How to debug MATLAB (java) error: timeout waiting for window to show up?


New Member
I'm trying to run a MATLAB program that creates a GUI in six different figures. The last \[code\]figure(...)\[/code\] command times out with: \[quote\] "UIJ_AreThereWindowShowsPending - timeout waiting for window to show up"\[/quote\]It works on a different computer with the exact same setup (OS X 10.7.2, Java 1.6.0_26-b03-383-11A511 and MATLAB R2011a). I've found a few threads from people with a similar problem but no solutions yet. Some suggest that it's a java memory problem. I've already tried increasing the memory for java within MATLAB. I've also setup the Java preferences to show the console, but it won't show and I cannot find any java log file anywhere.Does anyone have an idea how I could get to the root of this problem? Why does the Java console not open with MATLAB? Where can I find MATLAB related java logs?