How many species of troll on G&WS can you identify?


New Member
This species is fairly common; its the sex-perv troll<br />
http//;_ylt=AoqgGpY6L9plZwqhSFpz1ITAFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080824152831AAwA96j&show=7#profile-info-UdXRuQHEaa<br />
<br />
This dude gets turned on by p*$$. Others are turned on by shyte. Why are the sex-perv trolls always male?<br />
Laura, because the psychology literature says they are FAR more likely to be male than female.<br />


New Member
I have no links, but there are the 'coward trolls' who are regular users, but hide under accounts with no avatar and some name like 'David P' or 'Carrie S'.
These either insult people without compromising their real account, or ask and get best answer to their own questions.


New Member
I have seen some castrating, man shrinking, ball kicking, rats eating penis trolls.

How can you be sure that they are men?
Those trolls couldn't afford the good porno as a child, and had to get the bargain discount R. Kelly tapes.
My favorite trolls are the ones who really think they are making a good point! Pitiable.


New Member
The "equalists". They pretend to be some kind of activist, but all they really do is bash feminists.

The anti-feminist "women". They're actually men hiding behind a female profile.

The "Nice Guys" who want to know why women won't date them. 'Nuff said.


New Member
most people learn that living in a book is far different than living in the real world. They use obscure references and dated statistics to further their rhetoric. Most of us exist in real-time with real experiences.


New Member
I wish I remembered everything I put into the YAFL Crank Tank; it would have been useful now. Let's see what I remember

Trollmaster General (trollacanthus majorum) The leader of the trolls. Changes depending on how many deletions there are.

Nerdy Troll (trollacanthus poindextrus) Considers itself superior in intellect to all other GWS inhabitants. Comes off as arrogant and is generally not tolerated by anyone.

Redneck Troll (trollacanthus masondix) Tends to lean to the right in all things. Often goes to extreme lengths to expose perceived violations of constitutional law.

Bot Troll (trollacanthus repetitus) Asks for opinions on same problems or fetishes ad nauseam. Problems/fetishes include getting kicked in the balls in New Jersey, crumpling paper, women with shoulder pads, Iranian women at the gym, stepping on bugs with high heels, sitting on skulls, wearing women's lingerie, etc.