How a GREAT Education Changed My Life


How a GREAT Education Changed My Life
By Courtney Arp

If you do one thing for yourself today, it will be reading this article. Your life and online business may change forever, like mine have. As I grow older, I notice more and more how they are all the same. Growing up, I was taught that everyone is unique. Day by day I notice more how this ISN'T true.

When you set out onto the internet, for whatever reason. You see how one person found a concept that worked, and a million others trying to copy. Most who set out on the internet to buy something, recognize the reproductions. This naturally gives anyone with unique websites an automatic advantage.

So I participate in sites like Traficswarm (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) and Hit Magik (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). These are wonderful traffic exchange programs where people actually VISIT your site in return for people visiting theirs.However, I become overwhelmed with mounds of websites. Some promise I can make X amount of dollars, or drive traffic to my site, and so on. I often catch myself signing up for their programs, newsletters, free courses and e-books. I come to an email packed with so much information, that my mind goes on overload. Where do I begin? Who do I trust? Whose product should I buy?

This is why I value more and more the education I received through Affiliate Classroom. I am at least TWO steps ahead of my competition. I feel as if the instruction I received at Affiliate Classroom has taught me the RIGHT way to start an affiliate marketing business. Rather than teaching me cheats and tricks to get rick quick schemes.

Besides that, I was guided step by step on how to build a business from the ground up. Never once did I feel confused of where to start, or left in the cold to figure it out myself. From the moment I stepped inside the Affiliate Classroom, Anik grabbed my hand and didn't let go until I had a REAL BUSINESS.

Even more so, I was taught how to be my customer's FRIEND, and build that lasting relationship. Where they now TRUST me with any valid information I offer them. One of my favorite courses I took was 'The AC Upsell System." Here, I was taught the REAL money is not in that $29.95 e-book I sell for 50% commission. But in the $149 consulting service I offer AFTER I have already sold them that $29.95 e-book.

And as crazy and outrageous you may think trying to sell a $149 consulting service is. YOU'RE WRONG! By now, your customers trust you. They are so pleased with the e-book you sold them. They are more then willing to buy your consulting service. This is just one of the many examples I could give you to show how much knowledge I really, TRULY have on affiliate marketing after going through Affiliate Classroom.

I don't think I can count the number of times I have tried silly affiliate programs, or downright ridiculous business "plans." Being promised an endless supply of money, for almost no work. NOTHING in this business comes easily, and THAT is the mistake almost all affiliates make. This takes TIME, KNOWLEDGE, and EFFORT.

My current online business is now thriving. It definitely did not happen over night. I first came across Affiliate Classroom, several months ago. I spent many weeks reading through all the tutorials, e-books and interviews. I took notes on EVERYTHING I read, and I have the completely full 5 subject notebook to prove it! However, now I'm making almost as much as I do in my current job. To me, this means I can quit soon. I have dreamed of the day I can go to work in my PJ's and spend the day with my dog.

I really TRULY will be able to do that soon. And FELL SAFE doing it because I did start a business with a weak foundation. Sure to crumble when my business runs dry. Instead, I have a sturdy foundation of customers who trust me and buy from me repeatedly.

So, If you do one thing for yourself, PLEASE give yourself the same reliable foundation. Don't get stuck running circles around everyone else's get rick quick schemes. Spend some TIME and EFFORT and make yourself a real business too!

The only thing you have to lose when you sign up for the 14 day trial of Affiliate Classroom (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 1&aid=3556</a><!-- m -->) is the useless knowledge of affiliate marketing that you have been pumped with until now. Remember, you just can't have a secure online income without having a business with a secure foundation lying underneath! Save yourself time and hassle and just give it a try. I promise you, this is not something you will ever regret!
This was written by Courtney Arp.
A proud graduate of Affiliate Classroom.
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