Highcharts nodeName of undefined


New Member
When playing around with a chart generated by highcharts, and exporting it to SVG, I get a lot of errors, about 1000 (nodeName of undefined) per 6 secondsThe code responsible is this:\[code\]element = wrapper.element,nodeName = element.nodeName, // <---- Here (Cannot read property 'nodeName' of undefined)renderer = wrapper.renderer,skipAttr,attrSetters = wrapper.attrSetters,shadows = wrapper.shadows,hasSetSymbolSize,ret = wrapper;\[/code\]The stacktrace (in Chrome 17.0.963)\[code\]Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeName' of undefinedSVGElement.attr highcharts.src.js:2008init.Effect.HighchartsTransition.Class.create.update prototype-adapter.src.js:86(anonymous function) effects.js:1Effect.Base.Class.create.loop effects.js:1Effect.ScopedQueue.Class.create.loop effects.js:1b prototype.js:1\[/code\]The fiddle to re-create : here, to reproduce click the series on/off and then click on the \[code\]My Download\[/code\] link, switch on/off again and click on the \[code\]My Download\[/code\] link again.My question is as follows, is this my code, or a bug in highcharts; and how can I fix it?