help!!!!! a browser mess


help me, even though my page is fine in explorer, its not working right in navigator. help!!! what can a guy do? For instance, even my <embed src="whatever.wav" autostart="false"> tag isnt workin out right in navigator. And one page with tables is working nicely in explorer, but in navigator its ate slam up., it just shows a whole page of the background color. lol

any advice
warA link would be love to post it for you man, might have to pm it to you. Cause its a private webpage. Well, i'm not a great web page designer, we are practicing and the page is a swinger page we are workin on.. lolol... so some of the pics and things are x-rated.. lol so, if the images dont bother you id be glad to have you look at it but i probably aught not post the link lol. u understand.

let me know....

warbishopWell, you could post the code, maybe as a .txt file...<HTML>
<TITLE>The Vault.</TITLE>
<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex, nofollow">
<script language="JavaScript">
var msg="Right Click Disabled!";
function disableIE() {if (document.all) {alert(msg);return false;}
function disableNS(e) {
if (document.layers||(document.getElementById&&!document.all)) {
if (e.which==2||e.which==3) {alert(msg);return false;}
if (document.layers) {
} else {
document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(msg);return false")
function GetPassword() {"jspass.htm", "","width=225,height=100")
<Table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 WIDTH=780>
<PRE><IMG SRC="c41.jpg" border=0 align=left><center><Font face="Arial" SIZE=3><B>
&nbsp<BR><A HREF="javascript:GetPassword()">About Us</A> <A HREF="videolinks.html">Video Links</A> <A href="swingpiclink.html">Misc. Pictures</A> <A HREF="swingin1a.html">Swing Page</A> <A href="links1a.html">Links</A> <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]">Email Me</A></B></font>
<B>Our Videos:</B>
<A HREF="b1.mpg">Video 1</A><BR>
<A HREF="bj1a.mpg">Video 2</A><BR>
<A HREF="bj2a.mpg">Video 3</A><BR>
Our Pictures:
<A HREF="a1.jpg">Picture 1</A><BR>
<A HREF="a2.jpg">Picture 2</A><BR>
<A HREF="a3.jpg">Picture 3</A><BR>
<A HREF="a4.jpg">Picture 4</A><BR>
<A HREF="a5.jpg">Picture 5</A><BR>
<A HREF="a6.jpg">Picture 6</A><BR>
<A HREF="a7.jpg">Picture 7</A><BR>
<A HREF="a8.jpg">Picture 8</A><BR>
<A HREF="a9.jpg">Picture 9</A><BR>
<A HREF="a10.jpg">Picture 10</A><BR>
<A HREF="a11.jpg">Picture 11</A><BR>
<A HREF="a12.jpg">Picture 12</A><BR>
<A HREF="3737374079.html"
<IMG SRC="a13.jpg"
<Font Face="Arial">text here.</Font>
</HTML>I don't see your <embed> command anywhere in the page. Otherwise, what else isn't working for you? It seems to look the same in IE and NN for me. Also I noticed you were using a JS password... This is very unsecure, so you may want to use something else, .htaccess & .htpasswd, if possible.where do i find the password script you r talking about?

and two, the one im using is a javascript password script yes, but..... the catch is its not listed in the script, basically the page name is the password, so you have to know the name of the page to access it, so thats to too shabby or am i missing something?

also, no, the embed command isnt in this one. when i view this one in netscape on the net, i get a purple screen, period. in explorer it works. when i view the page in netscape composer, its ok, but the links at the top are out of line, but I may not have that done exactly right, but it seems effective in explorer.

but either way, if you can offer a better paaword alternative, then by all means, i can use any help that you or anyone else can offer.

warbishopWell, .htaccess might be another thing that your server won't allow. Also you need to know the root directory to you site. Do you? If so, let me know and I'll write up an .htaccess file for you.that is very nice of you to offer such a nice thing. but i have a question. what do you mean buy root directory, is that the same as url? since im not a dot com or nothin.

or am i confused?


if it is the same, ill pm it to you ok.No, sorry, it's not the same. A root dir, might look something like this /home/network/domains/ :D If you aren't on a top level domain, it might be hard to get. I guess if you aren't looking for an extremely high level of security, you JavaScript on might work OK. What do you all have access to on your server? PHP? Perl?well, im not sure. im just well very well versed and am still learning everyday. And they are very helpful either. the other day i called my provider and asked for a counter and they said that they arent sure where they put it... LOL So... after a little shock, i went out on the net and got one elsewhere. i dont what i ahve access to to be honest. I just dont know enough to answer that question with any inteligence. so.... you may have to ask it as if i was 3 in order for me to give you an answer. either way, you have taken time out of your day to help a stranger and i really appreciate your time. there are lot of cool people on this forum and you are certainly one of them.

thanks my friend,

warOriginally posted by warbishop
the other day i called my provider and asked for a counter and they said that they arent sure where they put it...LOL :D

Originally posted by warbishop
you have taken time out of your day to help a stranger and i really appreciate your time.I'm happy to help.

Originally posted by warbishop
there are lot of cool people on this forumThere sure are, I'm happy to be a part of all this.

Anyway, an easy way to check if you have PHP would be by typing these lines in a page and naming it to a .php extention.

print ("I have PHP!");
?>I don't really know why I asked, I guess becuase there are password scripts in PHP...

Also, sorry about not beign able to help you with your HTML..I'd just rather not visit the site. :)