FPSS Frontpage Slide Show 1.6 Rev.1 vBulletin addon


New Member
This Front Page SlideShow full. Which has a version included to work on Vbulletin/ vBAdvanced.
Please follow the instructions carefully to get this module working correctly

This script was originally developed for Joomla/mambo but has since been converted to work with VB - The developer site has very poor support for getting it working properly with vbAdvanced so if you need any help getting it running U can let me know and i will try to dig up how i got it working, or u can check the Vbadvanced or vb.org site where some guys got it working using an older version of FFSS.

Where do I add the "$jwfpss" code so I can show the Slideshow in vbadvanced index?

EDIT: NVM I got it working now. no thanks to you guys.
I found this on VBA, hope it helps anyone.
worked perfect for me :)
Step 1:
Pay for and download the .zip file they provide via the confirmation email

Step 2:
Unzip the file, then unzip 'frontpageslidshow-v1.6rev1_vBulletin

Step 3:
My personal vBulletin setup has vBulletin in a folder titled 'forums' in the root of my domain. My vBAdvanced index file is in the root folder. If this is your setup, upload the fpss folder and its contents (minus mod_fpsslideshow) to the folder that contains your forum software. For me, that was my 'forums' folder.

If your vBulletin software is in the root folder with your vBAdvanced index file, then upload the 'fpss' folder to your root folder.

Step 4:
Open the fpss folder on your computer and open the 'mod_fpslideshow.php' file in a text editor.

PHP Code:
$forumid = array(7); 
Change 7 to the forumid of the forum that you want the slideshow to pull its content from. If you have more than one forum, I believe you simply need to separate each forum by a comma (e.g. (1,3,5).

Add Glorify's code edits:
Originally Posted by Glorify
PHP Code:
<div id="fpss-container" <?php if ($moduleclass_sfx) { ?>class="<?php echo $moduleclass_sfx; ?>"<?php } ?>>
Add this above it:
PHP Code:
<td class="alt2"> 

PHP Code:
<!-- JoomlaWorks "Frontpage Slideshow" for Joomla 1.0.x (v1.6 rev.1) ends here --> 
Add this above it:
PHP Code:

Step 5:
Because the software works off the vBulletin attachment system, you should either modify the Unregistered/Not Logged in usergroup to be able to download attachments on either a global basis or a forum by forum basis. To do this on a global basis, login to the vBulletin admincp and navigate to "Usergroups">>"Usergroup manager" and we're gonna edit the "Unregistered / Not Logged In" user group. Look for the option "Can Download Attachments" and set it to "Yes". If yo uwould like to do this on a forum by forum basis, navigate to 'Forum Permissions' and modify the settings for that usergroup in each forum that you would like to use in the slideshow.

If (like me) you have your vBAdvanced index file in a different folder than your vBulletin files, then make the following edits:

PHP Code:
$link = "showthread.php?t=".$threadid.""; 
PHP Code:
$link = "yourforumfolder/showthread.php?t=".$threadid.""; 

PHP Code:
$imagepath = "attachment.php?attachmentid=".$pic['attach'] 
PHP Code:
$imagepath = "yourforumfolder/attachment.php?attachmentid=".$pic['attach'] 

PHP Code:
$navlink = "showthread.php?t=".$threadid.""; 
PHP Code:
$navlink = "yourforumfolder/showthread.php?t=".$threadid.""; 

PHP Code:
$imagepath = "attachment.php?attachmentid=".$pic['attach']; 
PHP Code:
$imagepath = "yourforumfolder/attachment.php?attachmentid=".$pic['attach']; 

Step 6:
Upload the mod_fpslideshow.php file to the modules folder within the folder that contains your vBulletin files.

Step 7:
In your vBulletin AdminCp, add a new vBadvanced module. For the type select PHP File Module.

For title, type 'News Slideshow' or whatever you would like to appear in the title box above the slideshow.

For Active, select 'Yes'

For File to Include, select mod_fpslideshow.php

For Module Parent, select nothing

For Identifier, I typed slideshow

For Templates Used, leave it blank

Select 'No' for the following (unless you know that you want it as yes):
Initialize BB Code Parser
Initialize Forum Permissions
Initialize Moderator Cache/Permissions
Initialize Ignored Users

For Clean File Output, select 'Yes'

For Use Module Wrapper Template, select 'Yes' and then leave all of the other options as is unless you know you want to change something.

Save. Add the module to the vbadvanced page on which you would like the module to appear.

Step 8:
Navigate to your vBulletin admincp, navigate to "Plugins & Products" (click to expand) >> select "Add New Plugin".

For Product, select 'vBulletin'

For Hook Location, select 'init_startup'

For Title, I entered 'Frontpage SlideShow'

For Execution Order, I entered '7' but the software manufacturer stated:

enter 5 (default, if you got other plugins as well, you might wanna choose another value depending on when you want FPSS to be initiated)
For Plugin PHP Code, enter:
PHP Code:
     $jwfpss = ob_get_contents();
For Plugin is Active, select 'Yes'

Thats it! It should be ready to go. Don't forget to showoff your new module!!!