Forwarding and Redirecting Domain Names


Staff member
I am purchasing a domain name. The site is currently semi-functional. The current owner has a section that he wants to maintain although he's moving it to another domain name. As a part of the sales agreement, I've agreed to forward certain parts of the URL to his new domain for one year. Because I really wanted the domain, I was happy to agree.

He writes:

I've been thinking about the forwarding of the
URLs. There are a few ways to do it, and I
want to make sure it's done the best way to
move the traffic.

I prefer not to have an immediate redirect
because then the user won't know about the
new domain. I would like a simple page that
says something like "the page you are looking
for is at this new domain, please update your
bookmarks". If it could also have a 301 code
(Moved Permanently) issued, that would be
great because then places like google would
be able to update their databases. This would
cover /subject#1/ and /subject#1/presidents/.

Now for the tricky part. There are a bunch
of URLs under /subject#1/presidents/ I'm
not sure about the best way to redirect them.
Doing them individually would be a pain. If
you can edit your .htaccess files, maybe
something could be done with the RedirectMatch

So - He's going to be transferring the domain to me at GoDaddy. I plan on using the general URL, and just forwarding <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> and <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. PLUS I have to forward him <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> for a year.

I'm doing this with Godaddy.

I don't know WHAT I'm doing - I could use some help.

Anyone know how to do EACH of the things he's asking for?

I could use the help!@ No matter what.