Figured out our bandwidth usage


New Member
We currently use just under 200GB per month according to Web Trends reports. I expect this to triple after a couple of new sites/features go up. We will begin offering video and audio files on two of our websites. About a dozen videos and maybe 20-30 MP3's. So far the largest video is 32MB and the largest audio file is 12MB. We average roughly 8000 daily visitors and at first, most likely many of those will view and listen to the video and sound files. Does this sound reasonable? Or what would be the estimated bandwidth usage once the video and sound files become available on the website?From what I caclulated, you would need 2.8TB of bandwidth for the audio file your largest if every visitors downloaded it Im going to say you need an unmetered solutionIt is really hard to give you an exact guess. If you think you will get 8000 visitors that download the video multiply it by what you think would be the average, around 20-25mb it sounds like to see. Keep in mind that if it gets posted on a popular forum/board or soemthing else the usage may go through the roof to 20000 people a day. An unmetered solution may be best if you think it will become popular.OK. So in your opinions what would be the best unmetered solution? I see 10Mbps, 20Mbps, 50Mbps and 100Mbsp and 100Mbit.