Error reading database


This is the code I have for connecting to an Access database.

Dim conn As System.Data.IDbConnection
Dim cmd As System.Data.IDbCommand
Dim reader As System.Data.IDataReader
Dim adapter As System.Data.IDbDataAdapter

conn.ConnectionString = dbConn()
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "select systemusername, password, userid, securitylevel "
strSQL &= "from systemuser "
strSQL &= "where systemusername='" & txtUserName.Text & "' "
strSQL &= "and password='" & txtPassword.Text & "' "

' Try to open database and read information.
reader = cmd.ExecuteReader

If reader("securitylevel") >= 3 Then
Session.Contents("username") = reader("username")
Session.Contents("userid") = reader("userid")
Session.Contents("securitylevel") = reader("securitylevel")
Response.Redirect("Welcome.aspx?ID=" + txtUserName.Text)
End If

lblError.Text = ""
Catch err As Exception
lblError.Text = "Invalid Login"
If Not conn Is Nothing Then conn.Close()
End Try

I am getting the error "Error reading database: Object reference nto set to an instance of an object."

Anyone have any thoughts?

Thanks for any and all help!!I must declare first that I'm a C# programmer, I don't know much
But I think that maybe you have to do this:
Dim conn As New System.Data.IDbConnection
Dim cmd As New System.Data.IDbCommand
Dim reader As New System.Data.IDataReader
Dim adapter As New System.Data.IDbDataAdapter:)


Whenever you want to access the object you have to create the instance of the object with keyword NEW.

Dim sqlcon1 As SqlClient.SqlConnection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(SQL)
Dim sqlcon1 As NEW SqlClient.SqlConnectionDim conn As New System.Data.odbc.odbcConnection(dbconn)
Dim cmd As new System.Data.odbc.OdbcCommand
Dim reader As System.Data.odbc.OdbcDataReader
Dim adapter As System.Data.odbc.OdbcDataAdapter

Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "select systemusername, password, userid, securitylevel "
strSQL &= "from systemuser "
strSQL &= "where systemusername='" & txtUserName.Text & "' "
strSQL &= "and password='" & txtPassword.Text & "' "

' Try to open database and read information.
cmd.connection = conn
cmd.commandText = strSQL
reader = cmd.ExecuteReader

If reader("securitylevel") >= 3 Then
Session.Contents("username") = reader("username")
Session.Contents("userid") = reader("userid")
Session.Contents("securitylevel") = reader("securitylevel")
Response.Redirect("Welcome.aspx?ID=" + txtUserName.Text)
End If

lblError.Text = ""
Catch err As Exception
lblError.Text = "Invalid Login"
If Not conn Is Nothing Then conn.Close()
End Try

Should Work if you use an odbc connectionCast from type 'OleDbConnection' to type 'String' is not valid.

Line 41: Dim conn As New System.Data.odbc.OdbcConnection(dbConn)
Line 42: Dim cmd As New System.Data.odbc.OdbcCommand
Line 43: Dim reader As System.Data.odbc.OdbcDataReader
Line 44: Dim adapter As System.Data.odbc.OdbcDataAdapter

Line 43 is where the error occurs. This is what I had before for the code and this is the error I recieved. That's why I was trying the IdbConnection.

Here is my dbConn function that I call. It may be something wrong with this.

Public Function dbConn()

Dim strConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Ole DB Services=-4; Data Source=C:\Documents an" & _
"d Settings\EZ\Desktop\Alumni.mdb"

dbConn = strConnectionString

End Function

Thanks for the help!!!