ctags info for built-in functions in PHP/Python/Etc


New Member
Is there any way I can get ctags to somehow support the built-in functions provided by PHP/Python (Or whatever I'm working with at that moment), so that I can also use those in Source Explorer in vim and alike?Update:Okay so with python I can just run ctags on the source folder to get a tags file with the built in functions, though with PHP it doesn't seem to work, however the source files of PHP contain lines like the following:\[code\]/* {{{ proto resource mysql_connect([string hostname[:port][:/path/to/socket] [, string username [, string password [, bool new [, int flags]]]]])\[/code\]So if I could somehow parse that with ctags I would get the appropriate functions in my tags file. I tried using --regex-C for it to pick it up but the following didn't seem to work.\[code\]--regex-C='/\/\* \{\{\{ proto ([^ ]+) ([^ (]*)/\2/f/'\[/code\]Any idea how to get this to work?Also with python I seem to get the "class ClassName:" line with classes, is there any way for that to also include the init function?Update:I'll just create a separate question for PHP, thanks for the answers.