crosslinking 400-500 pages between my two sites


New Member

I own a site on a .nl-domain (dutch) and now I've tranlated my site into english and I would like to crosslink my .com-domain and .nl-domain

Assume I make an "ENGLISH" button/link on each dutch page to refer the costumer to the exact same page in English and vice versa for a "DUTCH" button.

My question: can I savely crosslink 400-500 pages between these two sites...? Or will this hurt my (future) search engine ranking (google/yahoo) for excessively cross-linking my two sites?

Note: at this point I do not have any inbound/outbound links on both sites and both sites share the same IP-address and hosting...

Note 2: a lot of pages have quite similar content because of product description (example: product name, factory name)...

Thank you...,
Dennis. if the two sites is from the same IP. then dont cross link them.
unless its from different class c ip, go ahead.