Create a login script that shares vbulletins user database


New Member
Hey everyone, how is you all?

Ok, I am new to creating login scripts, i have used ones that other people have made but other than that I'm a noob.

I am wanting to create a login script that uses the bulletins database for the users instead of every user having to register twice and also to try to keep traffic on my site down a little because of little bandwidth.

I know that would be very hard, thats why I'm asking here.

Thanks for reading.


New Member
Kindly change -----Your Forum URL---- to your board URL
<table class="tborder" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="6" width="18%" align="left" border="0">
    <td class="alt1" width="100%">
    <!-- login form -->
    <form onsubmit="md5hash(vb_login_password, vb_login_md5password, vb_login_md5password_utf, 0)" action="http://-----Your Forum URL----/login.php" method="post" style="display: inline">
      <script src="http://-----Your Forum URL----/clientscript/vbulletin_md5.js" type="text/javascript">
      <table cellSpacing="3" cellPadding="0" border="0" width="157" height="107">
          <td class="smallfont" width="145" height="104">
          <span class="gensmall">
          <font size="2" face="Times New Roman" color="#414141">User Name&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font></span>
          <input class="bginput" id="navbar_username" style="border:1px solid #006600; color:#9999FF; background-color:#F4FAFF" onfocus="if (this.value == 'User Name') this.value = '';" accessKey="u" tabIndex="101" size="10" value="User Name" name="vb_login_username" style="color: #9999FF; border: 1px solid #006600; background-color: #F4FAFF" ><span class="gensmall"><font size="2" face="Times New Roman" color="#414141">&nbsp;
          <input class="bginput" id="navbar_password" style="border:1px solid #006600; color:#9999FF; background-color:#F4FAFF" accessKey="p" tabIndex="102" type="password" size="10" value name="vb_login_password" style="color: #9999FF; border: 1px solid #006600; background-color: #F4FAFF" > <input class="button" title="Enter your username and password in the boxes provided to login, or click the 'register' button to create a profile for yourself." accessKey="s" tabIndex="104" type="submit" value="login" style="color: #9999FF; border: 1px double #006600; background-color: #F4FAFF"></font></span><label for="cb_cookieuser_navbar" style="cursor: default">
          <input id="cb_cookieuser_navbar" accessKey="c" tabIndex="103" type="checkbox" value="1" name="cookieuser" style="color: #000080; "><font size="2">Forever</font></label></td>
      <input type="hidden" name="s">
      <input type="hidden" value="login" name="do">
      <input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password">
      <input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password_utf">
    <!-- / login form --></td>



New Member
thanks for your reply but i no longer use vbulletin because of nulled versions being reported so yeah no need for this tread anymore if a mod would kindly delete it.

Thanks, paul