Conversation scoped and jsf redirect


New Member
is it possible to maintaining conversation during redirect to external url?I started paypal transaction with CDI conversation bean and next there is faces redirect to paypal page when I log in and doing payment and next paypal returning to my page and I want to have the same instance of my backing bean to remember details which I sent to paypal. When paypal redirects back to my page, he appends to url transaction token and payer ID but I don't have any information about quantity of products which user bought. So I want to remember the quantity from before redirect. Now, after paypal returns to my site I call method doExpressCheckout and I want to pass quantity and other transaction details because I can set entirely different details than before the transaction and there is possible strange situation when customer accept on paypal page that buying some products for 10$, but I set 100$ after paypal redirects again to my page and customer will have no idea how much he paid.I don't know why that this happens.I use SOAP api.