C&D Garage v1.3.3 NULLIFIED by vB Lider

vB Lider

New Member
C&D Garage v1.3.3 NULLIFIED by vB Lider
         ____    _      _     _          
        |  _ \  | |    (_)   | |          
 __   __| |_) | | |     _  __| | ___ _ __
 \ \ / /|  _ <  | |    | |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
  \ V / | |_) | | |____| | (_| |  __/ |  
   \_/  |____/  |______|_|\__,_|\___|_|
<script type="information">
Script Name   : C&D Garage
Script Version: v1.3.3
Nulled name   : CND.Garage.v1.3.3.PHP.NULL-vBLider
Script type   : PHP/MySQL
Supplied by   : vB Lider                                         
Nullified by  : vB Lider                                   
Tested by     : vB Lider                                     
Protection    : Removed
Homepage      : http://www.cnd-systems.com/
Release date  : 20/02/2009                                   
Price         : $35 USD
Your Price    : $0

<script type="description">
 C&D Garage is a feature packed Garage suite add-on for vBulletin. If you are looking for a way to allow your users to showcase their vehicles, this is the system for you!

<script type="release notes">
1. Unpack
2. Upload
3. Install
3. Enjoy


New Member
yet I dont use this type of scripts, I know pretty much a lot of other users will so thank you for this :) and keep the great nulls coming


New Member
This looks quite good actually, but when you have so many members who have already taken the time to create their VBGarage, I don't think they would be too pleased having to start over again.

Not your problem VBLider, I know, but perhaps something the creators of this app should have thought of.

Thanks for the null though- Good work.