buying expired domains: what is good price?


New Member

hopefully this is righ forum for that kind of question.

I have no experience in this, but came around a chance of purchasing an expired domain. It has PR4, 334 backlinks according to MSN Beta Search, 70 according ot Yahoo, is registered in DMOZ. It has a parked page (was not shut down), over 3 years old, no content, former media market blog.

Is $60 for that, including all the fees and domain prepayment for 2 years, a good price? I would guess yes, but just wondering after I have read the other domain related threads here.

Second question, I could get a domain that was registered in 1997, personal development site, been run for few years, abandoned, then there was some adult content for a year or two, now it is available for registration for a year or so already. It has 8 links only.

The question is, will buying an old domain help with search engine? My guess is, it will not? However just wondering as it is often mentioned that Google likes old sites better - it probably means sites, not domains? And being out of index for years is probably another disadvantage?